The Arc Tampa Bay is committed to supporting the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live in residential settings as valued members of their communities. The Arc Tampa Bay provides standard and behavioral focus residential habilitation services. All group homes offer nursing support, dietician services, and transportation assistance.
Sixteen (16) agency-operated group homes and one (1) apartment complex are located throughout the northern portion of Pinellas County. Homes are beautifully designed, and well maintained, with warm and inviting landscaping suited to their neighborhoods. Residents are true members of their communities and enjoy leisure activities in their neighborhoods. Many have established relationships and connections with neighbors and local shop owners and vendors.
Each group home is staffed with direct support professionals. Home managers provide day-to-day supervision. Residential directors and Associate Executive Directors provide additional assistance and knowledge based on their areas of expertise.
In addition to standard or typical residential habilitation services, The Arc Tampa Bay operates a multitude of specialized housing options to maximize individualized supports and preferences and meet the needs of the individuals served in our homes:
In addition to serving individuals with intellectual disabilities who are also diagnosed with a mental health or behavior disorder, several of the behavior focus group homes are further specialized according to more complex diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Prader-Willi Syndrome:
In order to meet the sensory needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), The Arc Tampa Bay developed a home specifically designed in consultation with an occupational therapist. Sensory stimulation activities use equipment such as swings, weighted vests, stationary bicycles, a swimming pool, video games, etc. based on each individual’s preferences. Individualized behavior support plans assist each resident to learn appropriate behaviors and reduce inappropriate, maladaptive behaviors that may cause harm or interfere with learning.
Individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) experience chronic feelings of insatiable hunger and a slowed metabolism that can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity. Environmental modifications that limit the individuals’ access to food must often be implemented to ensure their health and safety.
The Arc Tampa Bay operates two group homes for people with PWS. Due to the restrictive nature of adaptations to the homes in order to limit food access, a licensed dietician and board certified behavior analysts must provide oversight. Individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome who reside in these specialized homes also receive routine medical evaluations from Dr. Daniel Driscoll, an expert in the field from the University of Florida. Dr. Driscoll is considered one of the world’s leading researchers and physicians for Prader-Willi and was recently inducted into the Johns Hopkins University Society of Scholars. Through stellar medical guidance from Dr. Driscoll, all residents with PWS have achieved significant weight loss and ongoing support to ensure continuation of healthy habits.